Dr. Rajesh Gupta
Dr. Rajesh Gupta is presently Professor of Civil Engineering at
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur. He is graduated from Govt.
Engg. College, Jabalpur in 1987. Dr. Gupta did his Post Graduation in Environmental
Engg. from VNIT (then VRCE) in 1990 and later PhD also from VRCE, Nagpur
University, in 1996. He was Head of Civil Engineering Department during Jan 2009-
July 2010, and also during July 2017- Dec 2220. He worked as Dean (Planning and
Development) for a period of 3 years during July 2010- July 2013. His main area of
interest is Water Supply, Environmental Engineering Systems Design and Modelling,
Analysis and design Water distribution and waste water collection systems, Surge
Analysis and Design of Surge Protection Systems, Design of Pipe Distribution
Networks for Irrigation. He has authored a book on “Analysis of Water Distribution
Networks”, published by Alpha-Science, UK, and Narosa Publications, India and
contributed 6 chapters in edited books. He has published and presented over 300
papers at National and International level, fifteen of which were awarded Best Paper
Dr. Gupta has guided 14 Ph.D. Scholars and more than 100 M.Tech students for their
thesis and dissertation works. He is a member of BoS of various Universities and
Autonomous Colleges. He is recipient of prestigious Jal Nirmalata Award and
Jalsewa Award given by Indian Water Works Association for the considerable work
in the area of water for improving its quality. He also received Brij Nanadan Sharma
Young Engineer award from IWWA.
Dr. Gupta is included as an expert member in a committee formed by Ministry of
Urban Affairs, Govt of India, for developing guidelines on various issue related to
24×7 system. He was also one of expert member for revision of manual and its
He is a member of various professional bodies like American Society of Civil
Engineers, Institution of Engineers (I), Indian Water Works Association, Indian
Concrete Institute, Association of Consulting Civil Engineers, Institution of Public
Health Engineers, etc. Since 1996, he his actively involved with management
committee of IWWA. He was Joint Secretary, Secretary, Vice Chairman and Chairman
of IWWA, Nagpur in different durations. He was Vice President of Indian Water Works
Association during 2016-17; and National President of IWWA for the term 2017-18.
Dr. Gupta has completed four R&D projects. He received UNESCO Fellowship for
attending the International conference at Greece in 2003. Also, he received the
Visiting International Fellowship for presenting paper in USA in 2013. He has visited
South Korea, Canada, USA, Italy, Turkey, Thailand and Greece for paper presentation.
He has designed water supply and sewerage schemes for several cities and towns
and have completed more than 350 consultancy assignments till date.